Find the right candidates -- Fast
Recruitology is your one-stop where you can automatically post one job or hundreds to almost any job site. Post your jobs seamlessly with Recruitology when you start by bringing your ADP Workforce Now® open requisitions into our system. Then just choose which jobs to post. This is a highly efficient way to reach candidates faster.
The Recruitology integration for ADP is free to implement. Once you create an account on Recruitology, you can log in and select the job distribution package that best meets your needs. This integration is available for clients using ADP Workforce Now Recruitment or ADP TotalSource® Enhanced Talent Suite.
Features and Benefits
Automatically post to top job sites
Use Recruitology's MaxRecruit® job distribution to automatically get your jobs on sites where they will perform their best. Post once and your jobs will be programmatically distributed to top sites like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, Nexxt and many more.
Reach a diverse candidate pool
Recruitology has assembled a leading range of niche job networks. Our Targeted Audience Networks help connect you with diverse candidates, seasoned service veterans, recent college grads and others. Industry Networks span many fields from Healthcare to Transportation.
Quickly locate qualified candidates
Recruitology's Matched Candidate product provides access to a large database of resumes and online profiles. Using Matched Candidates will jumpstart your candidate search by identifying people who meet your criteria but aren't necessarily in the job market.
Integrate with your ADP data
Once you sign up for Recruitology, and log in via ADP, Recruitology will pull in your open jobs. You'll be able to select a hiring package and then choose the job you want to advertise with Recruitology.
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